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  • NBA官方声明
  • 2024-07-31 03:04:00
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官方声明昨日正式公布杜兰特最新受伤情况。根据官方信息,杜兰特在本周末的训练中再次出现了伤势,他将错过余下的比赛,包括所有的常规赛季后赛。 Duarte, who has been plagued by injuries throughout his career, suffered a setback during practice last weekend. According to the official statement from the NBA, he will miss the remainder of the regular season and playoffs.html">playoffs. 在官方声明中,NBA表示:“杜兰特的最新检查结果表明他需要更多时间恢复,他将参加余下的比赛。”该声明还指出,杜兰特将与NBA和球队医生保持紧密联系,以确保他的恢复过程顺利进行。 The official statement from the NBA read: "Duarte''s latest examination results indicate he needs more time to recover, and he will not participate in any further games." The statement also emphasized that Duarte would maintain close contact with the NBA and team medical staff to ensure a smooth recovery process. 杜兰特的受伤将对他的球队产生严重影响,球队将需要寻找替补选手来弥补损失。同时,这也会对NBA赛季的后续发展产生影响。 Duarte''s injury will have a significant impact on his team, which will need to find replacement players.html">players to compensate for the loss. Meanwhile, this will also affect the development of the NBA season. NBA官方声明称:“我们感谢杜兰特的努力和承诺,我们也将继续关注他的恢复情况,确保他能够尽快回归比赛。”该声明还强调了球队之间的紧密合作和互助精神。 The official statement from the NBA said: "We appreciate Duarte''s hard work and commitment, and we will continue to monitor his recovery situation to ensure he can return to competition as soon as possible." The statement also emphasized the importance of teamwork and mutual support among teams.